I promise this is not
A typical love poem.
I promise insight.
I promise
To explain.
I promise to love.
I will give all that
My heart reflects,
Beyond the eye
Of the person I'm with.
I know not my own heart
For it gives only to you.
It gives in the moment,
That's my reality photo by Denise A White
My love is a butterfly,
Emerged from its cacoon
In a blaze of sunlight.
It flits from one flower
To a bush; it flits.
I promised this was not a typical love poem.
I promised-
copyright Denise A White
A typical love poem.

I promise
To explain.
I promise to love.
I will give all that
My heart reflects,
Beyond the eye
Of the person I'm with.
I know not my own heart
For it gives only to you.
It gives in the moment,
That's my reality photo by Denise A White
My love is a butterfly,
Emerged from its cacoon
In a blaze of sunlight.
It flits from one flower
To a bush; it flits.
I promised this was not a typical love poem.
I promised-
copyright Denise A White
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